For 21 days, we will walk through the book of Colossians and let the Word of God lead our praying. Colossians is rich and sweet, as it calls out the greatness of our Savior. We are reminded that Jesus is supreme and preeminent. He is first and greatest—above all, in all, over all. Jesus is more than enough. He is sufficient, full, and complete.
How to participate:
Step 1Access daily prayer prompts using the “Daily Revival” feature on our mobile app or the prayer guide (English | Spanish). Each day, we will focus on a few verses. We’ll provide some encouragement and a few prayer points from the passage. As you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.
Step 2 Pray about what the Lord would have you fast from during this season and set aside Mondays for our churchwide days of fasting.
Step 3 Make a list of needs and requests that you want to bring to the Lord during these 21 days.
Step 4 Submit a request on our app so others can join you in prayer.
How to submit a prayer request:
Step 5 Follow the Spirit. Pray as he leads.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
By faith, we receive Christ Jesus the Lord. He alone is able to sustain and strengthen and establish us. We abide in him and rely on him because apart from him, we can do nothing.
1. Pray that God would lead you by his Spirit to walk in step with Christ.
2. Ask God to help you develop disciplines that deepen your roots and relationships that build you up. What steps is he calling you to take today?
3. Pray that God would use you to lead and disciple the next generation.
4. Pray that thousands of children and students would receive Christ Jesus the Lord and walk with him all the days of their lives.
After spending time in the book of Colossians marveling at the greatness of our Savior, we'll come together for a Regional Night of Prayer to celebrate who he is and all he's done in us and for us and through us.
Utilice estos recursos para enriquecer su vida de oración, orar a través de la palabra de Dios y aprender por qué ayunamos y cómo hacerlo.
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